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Church leaders all the struggle with what to do next in their church. They often get a  foreboding expectation of resistance to any change they might suggest.  It’s just easier to go with the flow.

I heard a story today on a podcast that has nothing to do with church work. The interviewee started his life in the family business of bricklaying. One day during a break he saw his grandfather with slumped shoulders nursing a cup of tea to keep warm. He asked his  grandfather if he had expected to be where he is at this point in his life. Without looking up from his tea, the grandfather said, ”If you don’t quit today you will be where I am tomorrow.” At the end of the week he quit his job as a bricklayer. This interviewee moved from one entry-level job to another until he finally figured out what he wanted to become. He went on to make many millions of dollars.

Not my point nor my interest.

But the principle applies. If you do what you have always done, you will continue to get the same results you have always gotten in all probability. Why not take a chance and try something different. You have probably invested thousands of dollars in gaining a Bible College or Seminary education. I am confident that investment was well worth it in your personal development. 

However, in terms of growing your church, how is that working out for you? How long will you continue to stay with the same plan of yesterday? If it’s working out, you probably wouldn’t be reading this. Maybe it’s time to get a new plan.

 I will promise you a new plan with practical action steps that will work if you work it. Why wouldn’t you give it a try? Can you identify any resistance you are feeling? And if you fear others might not join your new plan, we have clear strategies to minimize the risk of that happening. If you can identify a queasy feeling, are you willing to share that resistance with me to see if we can overcome it together?