Life Change Courses
Learning involves Concepts that lead to Conviction which in turn leads to changed Conduct. More information by itself will leave you in a rut unless you find the practical simple steps to put it into action. That is what we are all about!

Courses to share church-wide. Leaders may benefit the most but every member will profit and be changed. Each course purchase gives access to up to 10 participants. You can think of the value as 10% of the cost!

Moving the passive church toward action.
Bubble UP Church
Create a powerful church by inspiring each member to build others up. Some of the people in your church have never thought beyond their attendance and perhaps an assigned service role in the church. When more and more see their place in the kingdom as a person called by God to support others everything changes. This course takes an in-depth action-oriented view of all the one another’s in the New Testament. Change the perspective of a small percentage of people and you will create a dynamic and active difference.
Baptism Booster
Baptism rates have been falling like a leaf. Here’s how to reverse the trend before the falling is like a stone.
Life Design
Blending the power of the Spirit with the insights from psychology to discover your real purpose in life. You actually can change for the better by using the right strategies.
Coaching in Church
How to identify and lead others to a better life. Take your personal relationship with others who follow after as the basis for outstanding Christian growth.

Guiding people to belong.
The Pastor's Manifesto
A hard-hitting simple plan to radically change the level of friendliness in your church and create a remarkable influx of new people who choose to make your church their first church home.
See You Next Week
Church welcoming requires both systems and culture. Once a person engages for the first time the job is to get them back the second time until it becomes part of their life. Here’s how!
How to Talk to Strangers in Church
Overcome the fear of saying the wrong thing and creating an embarrassing situation. Saying “Hello” is the hard part until you get to the next part. It is the fear of what to say after “Hello” that holds people back. It is easier when you know how!

Helping people get beyond “Hello.”
Drop By Sometime
The most straightforward means possible to bring new formerly unchurched people into your church family.
The Long Ramp
Unchurched people are now a long way from church because the majority are no longer church drop outs. They have no idea what your church is like and you can’t explain it without understanding the O-P-E-N acronym and its implications for evangelism.
The John Challenge
If a person thoughtfully reads the Gospel of John about 10 times they will become a true believer. Ask your friends to prove that wrong. This course will help keep you both on track.
Mastering the 4 C Formula for Including Newcomers
There are four levels of participation every church needs to move people from outside to totally engaged. This course shows you how to implement a formula that will put a lock on your back door.

Reaching out to new people.
Have You Heard It Yet
A practical plan to reach every home in a neighbourhood and find the people willing to carry on an ongoing relationship with your church.
Needs Seminars
How to identify the needs people are feeling in the community and engage them in finding solutions with your church.
Publish or Perish
How to use print and other media to reach into every home in your community without intensive expense.

Caring beyond your inner circle.
To The Nations
People inside and outside your church looking in want to know that you are committed to doing good in the world even when you have nothing to gain.
Community Concern
When a church loves its neighbours she finds good things to do to help the community without regard to its impact on her own church.
Gary V Carter
Gary is variously known as a Ministry Imagineer / Engineer, a Pastor, a Church Starting Specialist, a Church Health Consultant, a Life Coach, a writer, a ghost writer, a podcaster and a publisher. In all those roles people often comment on his abiding passion for ministry. Added to those various vocational dimensions but he is also a husband to Wendy, father and grandfather. Gary’s ministry life now spans over five decades. His motto has been “I would rather be a king maker than a king” so you may not have seen the name before but you might have run into some of his other work. And he still stays fresh and more energized than many who are just starting!
How it works
A great way to personalize your contacts with a personalized video and you can do a lot with a free account! Add your name to the email and I will send you a personal bonjoro so you can see it in action. Or you can click the button and go it alone!
Healthy Church
Healthy Church
Healthy Church is a complete management system for churches. It is its own ecosystem with many tools to help you develop a complete plan for all aspects of church life. Think of it as a library of materials you can use and modify within your membership.
The predecessor system on which it is built was used in thousands of churches over 25 years. It was a desktop system and sold for several thousand dollars. The new system is web-based as a SAAS (Software As A System) product. The system will be released in 2021 on a monthly membership basis.
Free Courses
Each of these courses comes with a free introductory course that may give you all you need to get jump started.
Premium Courses
Each paid course follows the subject in depth and gives you a means for personal interaction to motivate the results you need.
Ready to get started?
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